Local and Global Structure of Stationary States of Macroscopic Systems

Joel Lebowitz, Rutgers University
Jadwin Hall 343

The microscopic structure of a macroscopic system in a steady state is described locally, i.e. at a suitably scaled macroscopic point $x$, by a time invariant measure of the corresponding infinite system with translation invariant dynamics. This measure may be extremal, with good decay of correlations, or a superposition of extremal measures, with weights depending on $x$ (and possibly even on the way one scales).I will illustrate the above by some exact results for 1D lattice systems with two types of particles (plus holes) evolving according to variants of the simple asymmetric exclusion process, in open or closed systems. Somewhat surprisingly, the spatially asymmetric local dynamics satisfy (in some cases) detailed balance with respect to a global Gibbs measure with long range pair interactions.