On the asymptotic behavior of solutions to the linearised Einstein equations in gravitational collapse
On the asymptotic behavior of solutions to the linearised Einstein equations in gravitational collapse
Online Talk
Zoom Link: https://princeton.zoom.us/j/92147928280?pwd=aGJ4VStpUTI2RWh1Y2FqTjlGQnZGQT09
When studying the late-time asymptotics of solutions to the (linearised) Einstein equations in gravitational collapse, a key conceptual difficulty is that we have no direct physical understanding on what to assume on initial data. In this talk (based on joint work with D. Gajic), I will first show how different assumptions on data translate into different late-time asymptotics for the corresponding solutions. Then, going back to an idea by Christodoulou from 20 years ago, I will present a scattering construction from the infinite past that produces a physical prediction on what to assume on initial data. Combined, these results finally give a physical prediction for the asymptotics of gravitational waves at late-times.