The Peer Math Advisor program is a network of juniors, seniors, and graduate students in the math department who are available as resources and connections for undergraduate students. Undergraduates are highly encouraged to reach out to PMAs to connect with other students in the math community and seek advice and support from peers. All the PMAs can be reached by email. If you would like to be matched with a PMA, please reach out to Jaydeep Singh (contact info on the right). The Peer Math Advisor program also hosts monthly events and drop-in hours, which all students are welcome to attend!

Undergraduate Student PMAs


Kiril Bangachev

Hi Everyone! My name is Kiril. I am a senior at the math department pursuing the PACM certificate. My main academic interests are in discrete mathematics and computer science. Lately, I have been focusing on combinatorial algorithms and algorithmic game theory. I am happy to talk about classes, REU programs (I have done one in pure math and one in biostats), internships, independent work, “math in cs”, and other topics that bring mathematicians joy! Outside of math/cs, I like to read and do sports recreationally.  


Daniel Hu

Hello! I’m a junior interested in number theory and algebraic geometry.  I’m also pursuing the French certificate. I’d love to answer your questions about math, classes, summer research programs, and reading projects. I'd also love to chat with you about electronic music, sports, and photography!


Joye Chen

Hello! My name is Joye and I’m a junior in the math department. For the moment my primary interests are in topology, and when I’m not doing math, I like playing piano, composing, and baking yummy things to eat. I’m more than happy to talk to y’all about summer math activities, my independent work, mental health, and anything else, math or non-math related! 


Jake Intrater

Hi! My name is Jake Intrater and I am a junior in the math department from New York City focusing on topology (for the time being). I am also really passionate about the intersections of mathematics, computer science and philosophy and have taken a number of classes in those departments that I'd be thrilled to talk about. I am happy to advise about course selection, summer research, general classroom strategies and also about transitioning from high school math to college math. Outside of academics, I am a coxswain on the Men's Heavyweight Rowing team at Princeton and I am also involved in the Jewish community here at Princeton.


Anna Lyubarskaja

Hi! My name is Anna Lyubarskaja, I am a senior in the mathematics department from Norway. I am happy to talk about different math courses, the requirements for the major, internship vs. research dilemmas, grad school applications, and my favorite non-math classes at Princeton! Academically, I am interested in probability and machine learning. I look forward to meeting prospective math majors!


Reed Jacobs

Hello! I'm Reed, a current junior in the math department! I'm interested in number theory, and I'm currently Math Club President; I was formerly one of the Math Club Advising Chairs. I'd be happy to answer any questions about the math department and how to navigate it, like "What classes should I be taking and how are certain classes," "Why should I care about learning [thing]," "Why are math classes so confusing and difficult and when and how will it get better," "What should I even be doing with this," and literally anything else. Besides math, a few other things I'm happy to talk about are words and wordplay, bad puns, and video games. So excited to meet you all!

Graduate Student PMAs


Rohil Prasad

I'm a fourth-year grad student here in the math department. I'm broadly interested in geometry and dynamics, with a bias towards low dimensions. Outside of math, I like reading fiction, Mamoun's shawarma platters, hiking, and lifting weights. Happy to talk about math, life in the department, and anything else.


Jaydeep Singh

Hi everyone! I’m a third year PhD student from the Midwest, working on things in analysis and mathematical physics. I have experience bouncing around different STEM fields, and love learning about applications of math in the world! Always happy to talk about life in the department and experiences identifying as an (aspiring) mathematician.


Dev Dabke

Dev is a 4th year applied math grad student working on networks, dynamical systems, machine learning and—most importantly—basketball. He loves working on a diverse array of mathematical problems and their applications and is always excited to learn something new. He’s a proud Duke alum (go Blue Devils!) and is on the PU Figure Skating Club.


Mira Gordin

I am a 2nd year PhD student in the Program in Applied & Computational Math. My research interests are mainly in the area of probability and I enjoy working on problems related to biology and physics. I am passionate about working towards creating greater equity within the math community.


Tara Abrishami

Hi there! I’m a second year grad student in PACM, working on structural graph theory. When I’m not doing math, I enjoy reading, playing board games, and being outdoors. I love meeting new people and I’m happy to talk about anything!


Tatiana Brailovskaya

I am a grad student in PACM, broadly interested in probability theory. Before coming to Princeton, I did my undergraduate degree at Caltech, where I worked on applied math problems related to computational biology. Outside of math, I enjoy reading, discovering new music, watching art house films, dancing and spending time in nature.