Registrar's Information About Declaring a Major (Spring 2023)

A.B. students preparing to enter their junior year must officially declare a concentration prior to fall semester course selection. The 2023 concentration declaration period is March 30 — April 17.

The department usually holds a Sophomore Open House for prospective majors in early April in the Common Room, Fine Hall. Information about the major from 2021's Virtual Open House can be found at the following link: Virtual Sophomore Open House.

Steps to follow to become a Math major:

  1. Indicate your intended concentration (MATH!) on TigerHub between March 30 — April 17.
  2. Complete the Departmental Academic Planning Form (DAPF), and submit it in TigerHub. It will take one business day from your concentration declaration for the DAPF to become available to you.
  3. Make an appointment with the Mathematics Department Junior Advisor to discuss your plans. E-mail Dr. Mark McConnell ( to set up this appointment, which may be held in person or via Zoom (depending on the University restrictions that obtain on the date). Attach a pdf of your course history printout to that e-mail, so that he can review it prior to your discussion. (Go to TigerHub>Student Center>My Academics>View My Course History.) This is a very good opportunity to discuss the courses you plan to take in your junior year and to begin planning for your senior independent work.
  4. Once you have had your meeting with Dr. McConnell, he will be able to approve your DAPF, and thus your standing as a math major.
  5. You must declare your concentration and have it approved before you are allowed to select fall term courses for your junior year. Since your day for course signup is April 19, and there is some delay between the beginning of the process and ultimate department approval, we suggest that you declare your concentration earlier in the March 30 — April 17 period, rather than later.

If you have any questions, please contact Michelle Matel, the Undergraduate Administrator (


Associate Chair, Director of Undergraduate Studies
Acting Associate Director of Undergraduate Studies
Undergraduate Administrator