The Sobolev closure of planar diffeomorphisms
The Sobolev closure of planar diffeomorphisms
Guido De Philippis, Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati
Fine Hall 314
The Sobolev closure of planar diffeomorphisms
Abstract: In studying variational problems in Non-linear Elasticity and in Geometric Function Theory a natural issue that appears is the understanding of the closure of planar diffeomoprhism in the weak or strong Sobolev topology. In this talk I will discuss the characterisation of the theses closures, in particular I will show that both closures always coincide. I will also provide some sufficient condition for a planar map to be approximate by diffeomorphism in terms of the connectedness of its counter image, in the spirit of Young’s characterisation of monotone functions. This is a joint work with Aldo Pratelli.