Symmetries and Knot Floer homology

Abhishek Mallick, Max Planck Institute for Mathematics

Online Talk

*Please note the change in time for this talk*

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We will discuss an equivariant surgery formula in Heegaard Floer homology which identifies the actions of certain symmetries on three-manifolds with that on the knots. This formula can be regarded as an equivariant analog of the involutive large surgery formula proved by Hendricks and Manolescu. We then define two invariants of the equivariant knot concordance group and use them to give the first known examples of strongly invertible slice knots with arbitrarily large equivariant four-genus. We also apply our formalism to answer questions that are seemingly posed in non-equivariant settings. For example, we show that knot Floer homology detects exotic pairs of slice disks (part of this talk is joint work with Irving Dai and Matthew Stoffregen).