Minerva Lecture III: Universality for Wigner random matrices
Minerva Lecture III: Universality for Wigner random matrices
Prof. Terence Tao , UCLA
McDonnell Hall A02
Wigner random matrices are a basic example of a Hermitian random matrix model, in which the upper-triangular entries are jointly independent. The most famous example of a Wigner random matrix is the Gaussian Unitary Ensemble (GUE), which is particularly amenable to study due to its rich algebraic structure. In particular, the fine-scale distribution of the eigenvalues is completely understood. There has been much recent progress on extending these distribution laws to more general Wigner matrices, a phenomenon sometimes referred to as _universality_. In this talk we will discuss recent work of Van Vu and myself on establishing several cases of this universality phenomenon, as well as parallel work of Erdos, Schlein, and Yau.